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Opportunity: Academic Positions at Imperial College London

On behalf of Prof. Lesley Cohen:

The Imperial College London, Physics department has just announced a number of permanent academic positions in condensed matter physics. I am a member of the search committee, with particular interest in applications in superconductivity, magnetism strongly correlated matter and functional materials areas, and I am trying to get the adverts seen as widely as possible. As the advert states we particularly welcome female applicants.

Opportunity Lecturer in Experimental Solid State Physics: NS2016205NT

Opportunity Chair / Reader in Experimental Solid State Physics: NS2016207NT

Opportunity Lecturer in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics: NS2016209KL

Prof Lesley Cohen
Professor of Solid State Physics
Blackett Laboratory
Imperial College
Desk: (44) 207 594 7598
Mobile: 07872 850156